Thursday, June 10th, 2021
Nonprofit Staten Island Annual Members & Partners Meeting Emerging Stronger & Looking Forward

Jamilah LaSalle, Executive Director, Bait-ul Jamaat – House of Community

Chaplain Holly Bonner, MPA, MSW, MAPCC, CASAC, Director of Equity and Inclusion, NYS State Chaplain Task Force

Gabriele Delmonaco, President and Executive Director, A Chance in Life

Yesenia Mata, ExecutiveDirector, La Colmena

Janice Monger, President & CEO,Staten Island Museum
Election of Officers
For the Position of Chair:
Adrienne Abbate, Staten Island Partnership for Community Wellness
For the Position of Vice Chair:
Carol Bullock, Pride Center of Staten Island
For the Position of Secretary:
Mary Cottingham, Integration Charter Schools
For the Position of Treasurer:
Sam Farag, SCORE / Museum Of Maritime, Navigation and Communication
Re-election of Board Members:
- Carol Bullock, Pride Center of Staten Island
- Arlene Sorkin, Illuminart Productions
Election of New Board Members:
- Chaplain Holly Bonner, MPA, MSW, MAPCC, CASAC, Director of Equity and Inclusion, NYS State Chaplain Task Force
- Gabriele Delmonaco, President and Executive Director, A Chance in Life
- Yesenia Mata, Executive Director, La Colmena
- Janice Monger, President & CEO, Staten Island Museum
Annual Review
Reverend Karen Jackson opened the meeting with a Centering Reflection on the past year, recalling the incredible losses and inequities experienced and also the dedication of our nonprofit community to continue to work through challenges and sacrifices. During a moment of silence to acknowledge our collective grief the group also mourned the unexpected passing in February of long-time supporter and champion of the nonprofit sector Betsy Dubovsky who led The Staten Island Foundation since its inception in 1998 and who has left an indelible mark on so many nonprofits throughout the Island.
Staff reviewed the robust year of programs, activities, and services the Association hosted/provided, including:
- Designed and/or co-/hosted 50+ educational programs, workshops, trainings, initiatives with 20+ community partners and fellow capacity building/technical assistance providers and professionals on topics ranging from managing through COVID-19, HR and legal issues, mental health and returning to work
- 500 participated in Staten Island Nonprofit/SI COAD programs since July 2020
- Since March 2020, distributed 113,050 KN95 masks; 58700 3-ply masks; 3000 cloth masks; 31400 gloves; 105 gowns; 25700 face shields; and 24 gallons hand sanitizer
- Partnered with CSI and fellow community members to implement the Equity & Belonging Project / Public Conversations for Change Leaders Fellowship Program
- Launched #SIStayStrongStaySafe Public Messaging Campaign and related education/outreach to prevent the spread of COVID-19
- Increased engagement across social platforms, overall followership growth of 1100%+ plus amplified work of members across the borough
- Nearly doubled budget and grants in FY2021
- Convened the Staten Island COVID-19 Vaccine Taskforce with two working groups to increase vaccination rates and address hesitancy: Creative Partnerships & Pop-ups and Vaccine Trust & Messaging
- Represented Staten Island nonprofits on more than 10 city-wide coalitions/advisory committees that met about weekly through the height of the pandemic helping to inform response and relief and bring resources back to the borough.
See a complete overview of programs and an organizational year-in-review.
Keynote remarks on Getting Beyond the COVID-19 Pandemic were delivered by Dr. Ginny Mantello, Health & Wellness Director, Office of the Staten Island Borough President and co-chair of the Staten Island Community Organizations Active in Disaster (SI COAD)/Medical Ecosystem (MES) coalition. Dr. Mantello addressed the latest data on COVID-19 and vaccinate rates on the Island. She reviewed the guidance on re-opening and discussed best practices. Lastly, she shared the importance of increasing vaccination throughout the borough, referencing the invaluable role nonprofits and community leaders play in this effort.
Members and partners in attendance shared their experiences and concerns through and emerging from this past year. They commented on challenges and areas to explore in the coming year.
Board committee members shared updates on what’s to come for the future of the organization and how it will continue to help meet the needs of community leaders and nonprofits, including:
- Diversify funding sources
- Craft leadership development activities and capacity building programs
- Host DEI and social justice trainings
- Explore pooled/shared resources
- Programming for small as well as large nonprofits
- Advocacy for the needs of SI nonprofits
- Assist membership in board recruitment and training
- Peer engagement activities (affinity groups)
The Association staff and board acknowledged the many partners, elected officials, donors/ funders, volunteers, community organizations, members, and supporters without whom this work could not have been possible.
To view a recording of the meeting, view the video here or click on the video below.