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Call for Presenters

Nonprofit Staten Island is excited to get planning underway for the 12th Annual Staten Island Nonprofit Conference, to be hosted on October 30, 2024 at the Hilton Garden Inn. To honor the tremendous talent, expertise, and insight within the diverse, cross-sector network that comes together year-round to support Staten Island nonprofit organizations and communities, we invite interested parties to submit a presentation proposal for inclusion in this year’s conference programming.

The Annual Staten Island Nonprofit Conference has emerged as a premier event that brings together over 300 nonprofit professionals and stakeholders from Staten Island and beyond. This year, we look forward to again offering a diverse and dynamic program with content tracks built around the three core pillars that guide our work:

Community Voice

Through its work, NPSI aims to elevate and amplify the voices of community members and nonprofit professionals who are historically and presently underrepresented. We seek proposals that provide meaningful education in advocacy, empowerment, resident engagement, and positive change. Sessions should reflect NPSI’s commitment to ensuring diverse perspectives are heard, valued, and integrated into decision-making processes.

Community Building

This pillar focuses on catalysts for positive social change through community-building initiatives. We seek proposals that offer education on fostering collaboration, relationship-/trust-building, and/or enhancing workplace environments and/or community spaces. Sessions should help lay a foundation for more connected and enriched neighborhoods, community partnerships, and service provision.

Community Response

Nonprofit organizations are known to possess tremendous agility, often delivering swift, community-driven responses during times of need. We seek proposals that support organizations in developing organizational agility, responsiveness, resourcefulness, and sustainability. Sessions should offer education on addressing urgent community challenges, enhancing service quality or availability, and facilitating local solutions.

And back this year by popular demand, a fourth track focused on A Thriving Staten Island will be included in the day’s events.

In practice, the core pillars that drive NPSI’s work often intersect to foster an environment where nonprofits and community members can grow, connect, and innovate together, advancing a vibrant and thriving Staten Island. This “bonus track”  is designed to encompass a wide range of topics, including those that may overlap with other pillars or introduce new capacity-building ideas. We especially invite proposals that offer creative, interactive, and innovative content aimed at building stronger, more resilient nonprofits.



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