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Focus Group on Managing Mental Health Today: February 14th Group

We invite you to be a valuable participant in our upcoming focus group, where we aim to learn and share insights from workers in Community Based Organizations (CBOs) like yours. Your experience is crucial to our understanding, and we’re eager to include your perspective in our efforts with the NYCEAL* healthcare network.

To participate, please register using the RSVP function below or by emailing

Topic: Focus Group on Managing Mental Health Today: Join the Conversation!

Join us for a 1-hour recorded video conference meeting. Your identity will be known within the participant group, but your responses will be confidentially organized for reporting without your name associated.

Your ideas are crucial for Staten Island CBOs to develop best practices in supporting the workforce’s mental health, especially considering the challenges since the 2020 COVID pandemic.

Nonprofit Staten Island (NPSI) and NYCEAL aim to use your input to:

  1. Better serve the mental health needs of your clients
  2. Advocate for improved support for mental health in the workforce
  3. Expand awareness within our industry sector
  4. Develop funding and resources for CBOs and their employees.

Through the SI COAD* network, NPSI will use your input to develop a mental health campaign tailored to Staten Island’s community needs.

Focus Group Topics:

  • How well are you resourced to meet the mental health needs of your clients?
  • Your ideas for improving workplace support for employee mental health.
  • What’s working in your Community Based Organization to support employee mental health?

Dates Available for Participation*:

  • Monday February 5, 2024: 10:30AM: During COAD GENERAL Meeting
  • Monday February 12, 2024: 6:30 – 7:30pm NPSI Mental Health Evening Focus Group- Night Time
  • Wednesday February 14, 2024: 10 – 11am NPSI Mental Health Focus Group-Morning Time
  • Wednesday February 21, 2024: 12 – 1pm NPSI Mental Health Focus Group– Lunch Time

This project is funded by a microgrant from NYCEAL and awarded to Nonprofit Staten Island, producing a focus group and public health education campaign: “Fostering Best Practices & Community Awareness for Mental Health Across Staten Island.” Details about the NYCEAL microgrant can be found here.

Project Partners:

  • About NYCEAL: NYU Langone Health, Mount Sinai’s Institute for Health Equity Research, the Institute for Family Health, and a network of community-based organizations across New York City.
  • About Nonprofit Staten Island (NPSI): Providing resources, support, and advocacy for the borough’s nonprofit leaders and organizations.
  • About SI COAD: Staten Island Coalitions Organized Against Disaster, NPSI’s flagship program assisting nonprofit organizations in disaster preparedness, response, and recovery.

For any inquiries, please contact Sam Cristy at

We look forward to your participation and appreciate your contribution to our collective efforts.

*Kindly be aware that the Zoom links vary for each focus group. Ensure you use the correct Zoom link corresponding to the date you are registering for.

February 14th Focus Group

2 Going


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