Monday, December 2nd, 2019
Thank you to Susan Shiroma from Candid for an extremely useful workshop about finding grants. A few key takeaways:
- Update your nonprofit’s profile on Guidestar. It should be done at least once a year, especially ensuring your board, financials and contact info are current.
- And remember to add the “Donate” button to your profile.
- Data has shown that non-profits that went for their seal of transparency received more funding.
- Take some time to build your prospect list by visiting Foundation Directory Online, the Saint George Library (make an appt with librarian Allison Nellis to learn how to use the databases), or the Candid offices in downtown Manhattan just a short five-minute walk from the ferry. (FYI, the database now has 50+ non-US foundations)
- Look at foundations and corporations, as well as DAFs (donor-advises funds), to diversify your funds and think about ways to keep individuals/individual donors engaged. (See graph below on Private Contributions by Source)
- Who are the local businesses and what are they supporting? Check the Chamber of Commerce.
- Don’t underestimate the power and potential of your connections and networks, those of your staff, board members, volunteers and existing donors as well as donors to other organizations with similar missions.
- It’s not about the needs of your organization but about the needs of the people and communities we serve and the impact it will make. What is our case for support? And what’s in it for the donor/funder?