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(ABRIDGED) Staten Island COAD Hazard Vulnerability Assessment Survey (#47)

Staten Island COAD Hazard Vulnerability Assessment Survey


Thank you for participating in this survey. Your insights will help identify and address hazards and vulnerabilities across Staten Island to strengthen community resilience. This survey will take approximately 10-15 minutes to complete.

Respondent Information

Hazards Assessment

This section evaluates hazards based on probability (likelihood of occurrence) and risk/impact (potential consequences). A higher score indicates a greater likelihood or more severe impact.

  • Probability should be assessed based on historical occurrences, emerging trends, environmental/geographic factors, and industry-specific data.
  • Risk/Impact should be evaluated based on threats to life, disruptions to services, infrastructure damage, financial/legal implications, and community trust.


These scores will help determine the most pressing hazards requiring attention.

Event Type


How likely is it that this hazard will affect Staten Island in the foreseeable future?

5 (Very High) 3 (Moderate) 1 (Very Low)

Degree of Risk/Intensity of Impact

Acceptance of risk is at the discretion of the respondent/organization. 

5 (Extremely high/Life threatening) 

3 (Significantly disruptive)

1 (Low disruption)

Climate/Natural Events

Blizzard storms/Ice Events

“Cold Spells”/Extreme Cold

Drought/Water Scarcity


Heatwaves/Extreme Heat

Hurricanes/Coastal Storms

Rainfall/Flash Flooding

Tornadoes/High Wind Event

Wildfires (including brush and forest fires)

Human Impact Events

Event Type


How likely is it that this hazard will affect Staten Island in the foreseeable future?

5 (Very High) 3 (Moderate) 1 (Very Low)

Degree of Risk/Intensity of Impact

Acceptance of risk is at the discretion of the respondent/organization. 

5 (Extremely high/Life threatening) 

3 (Significantly disruptive)

1 (Low disruption)

Acts of Terrorism

Acts of Localized Violence/Civil Unrest


Industrial/Manufacturing Accidents

Information Systems Failure/Outages

Mass Transit/Port of Entry Disruptions

Power/Utility Outages

Supply Chain Disruptions

Public Health Events

Event Type


How likely is it that this hazard will affect Staten Island in the foreseeable future?

5 (Very High) 3 (Moderate) 1 (Very Low)

Degree of Risk/Intensity of Impact

Acceptance of risk is at the discretion of the respondent/organization. 

5 (Extremely high/Life threatening) 

3 (Significantly disruptive)

1 (Low disruption)

Outbreaks of Food-/Water-Borne Illnesses

Outbreaks of Vector-Borne Diseases (e.g., West Nile Virus)


Radiological Contamination/Exposure

Severe Air Quality

Staten Island's Preparedness

For each hazard type, rate Staten Island’s preparedness and capacity to respond effectively. Note: Use an inverted scale for this chart:

  • 1 = High Preparedness/Capacity
  • 3 - Moderate Preparedness
  • 5 = Very Low Preparedness/Capacity


You might consider:

  • A. Staten Island’s overall preparedness, thinking broadly about borough-wide readiness, including government resources, emergency services, and physical infrastructure, and available supports and services.
  • B. SI COAD’s preparedness, your perspective of the COAD’s readiness to provide situational awareness, facilitate coordination, and support to its network during a disaster.
  • C. Your organization’s capacity, such as internal and on-site resources, emergency plans, training, and ability to respond effectively to crises.
  • D. Community capacity and preparedness, such as the strength and emergency readiness of the borough’s workforce, volunteers, financial resources, and mutual aid networks.

Hazard/Event Type

Preparedness Rating

  • 1 = High Preparedness/Capacity
  • 3 - Moderate Preparedness
  • 5 = Very Low Preparedness/Capacity



Blizzard Storms/Ice Events

“Cold Spells”/Extreme Cold

Drought/Water Scarcity


Heatwaves/Extreme Heat

Hurricanes/Coastal Storms

Rainfall/Flash Flooding

Tornadoes/High Wind Events


Acts of Terrorism

Acts of Violence/Civil Unrest


Industrial/Manufacturing Accidents

Information Systems Failures

Mass Transit/Port of Entry Disruptions

Power/Utility Outages

Supply Chain Disruptions

Severe Air Quality

Outbreaks of Vector-Borne Diseases


Outbreaks of Food-/Water-Borne Illnesses

Radiological Contamination/Exposure

Additional Feedback



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