Conference Session Feedback Form Conference Session Feedback FormPlease select the session you attended. – Select –AI, Lilypads, and NonprofitsConversation with Community Giants: Building Strong Foundations through Governance, Fundraising, and Visibility Strategies for Inclusive BoardsEmpowering Diverse Boards: Strategies for Inclusion and ImpactEveryday Marketing to Move Your Nonprofit ForwardFuture-Proof Your Organization: Comprehensive Succession PlanningMastering Project Management: Key Strategies for Effective LeadershipMaximizing Today’s Multigenerational WorkforceReady to Respond: Building Organizational Capacity for Community ResilienceStreamline Your Audit Process: Proactive Strategies for Nonprofit ExcellenceThe People’s MoneyTransparency in Pay: Bridging the Gap with Wage ScalesUnlocking Local Funding: Strategies for Success with The Staten Island FoundationWinning Strategies for Foundation FundingWorking with New York Lawyers for the Public InterestWorking with the CECHow well did the content of this session align with your expectations/goals for attendance? 5- Far exceeded expectations 4 3 – Met expectations 2 – 1 – Did not meet expectationsHow would you rate the quality of the presenter(s)? 5- Excellent 4 3 – Average 2 – 1 – PoorHow relevant or applicable was this session’s content to your work? 5- Highly relevant 4 3 – Aligned, Fairly relevant 2 – 1 – Not at all relevantThis session provided actionable takeaways. 5- Strongly agree 4 3 – Agree 2 – 1 – Strongly disagree.Please rate your overall satisfaction with this session. 5- Very satisfied 4 3 – Satisfied 2 – 1 – Very dissatisfiedWe invite you to share any additional feedback on this session or suggestions for improvement.Submit Form